Cavallo Romano della Maremma Laziale
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Author: Justlettersandnumbers

The Cavallo Romano della Maremma Laziale or Roman horse of the part of the Maremma that is in Lazio is a horse breed native to the Lazio region of Italy. An ancient breed it was officially recognised only in 2010; it is now one of the fifteen indigenous horse breeds of limited distribution listed by the AIA the Italian breeders' association. The Lazio region has assigned it the conservation status at risk of erosion.

* Allevamenti anatre Cayuga * Allevamenti polli Cemani * Allevamenti gatti Certosino * Allevamenti uccelli da gabbia e da voliera Cesena * Allevamenti polli Chabo * Allevamenti bovini Charolaise * Allevamenti cani Chesapeake Bay Retriever * Allevamenti bovini Chianina * Allevamenti cani Chihuahua * Allevamenti gatti Chinchilla * Allevamenti cani Chinese Crested Dog * Allevamenti cani Chow Chow * Allevamenti altre specie avicole Cicogne * Allevamenti altre specie avicole Cigni * Allevamenti oche Cignoide * Allevamenti cani Cimarron Uruguayo * Allevamenti conigli Cincilla Grande * Allevamenti conigli Cincilla Piccolo * Allevamenti oche Cinese 1
* Chickasaw Horse, see Florida Cracker Horse * Chilean Corralero * Chilean Horse * Choctaw Horse * Cleveland Bay * Clydesdale horse * Colonial Spanish Horse, see Types of Horse, below * Colorado Ranger * Coldblood trotter * Comtois horse * Costa Rican 2
* Esperia Pony * Giara Horse * Haflinger * Italian Heavy Draft * Italian Trotter * Lipizzano * Maremmano * Monterufolino * Murgese * Napoletano * Noriker * Pentro * Persano * Purosangue Orientale * Salernitano * Samolaco * Sanfratellano * Sarcidano * Sardinian Anglo-Arab * Sella Italiano * Siciliano indigeno * Tolfetano * TPR * Ventasso Horse * For additional breeds of horse please see the List of horse breeds * v * t * e 3
* Maremmano External links - * Tolfetano national Horse Society * Tolfetano Horse Association * Tolfetano Stallion Category:Horse breeds Category:Horse breeds originating in Italy This text is licensed under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA License.4

= From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Cavallo Romano della Maremma Laziale A stallion in the breeding herd Country of origin Italy, native to Lazio region Breed standards Associazione Italiana Allevatori Breed standards 5
horse is a horse breed that is native to Italy. Its origin place is the region of Lazio in central Italy.6
, Chickasaw Horse, Chilean Corralero, Chilean, Choctaw, Cleveland Bay, Clydesdale, Coldblood trotter, Colonial Spanish Horse, Colorado Ranger, Comtois, Costa Rican Saddle Horse, Cretan, Criollo, Crioulo, Cuban Criollo, Curly Horse, Czech Warm Blood, Daliboz, Azerbaijan, Danish Warmblood, Danube Delta, Dole Gudbrandsdal, Dole, Don, Draft Trotter, 7
Associazione Italiana Allevatori
www.aia.ittecnicoequinia romano maremma laz.htm
Image Caption
A stallion in the breeding herd