The Selle Français (SF) is France's most important sport horse. It is renowned primarily for its success in show jumping but many have also been successful in dressage and eventing.
SELLE FRANÇAIS NORTH AMERICA ~ ANSF-US This site The Web Welcome to the Studbook North America!We are proud to have opened a new Chapter of the Studbook Selle Français 2
By a ministerial decree of 18th December 1958, the French regional studbooks for riding horses were united as the Stud-Book du Cheval de Selle Français, and its first studbook was published 3
has established an annexe to the Selle Français studbook in Britain called Equicours.4
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lors d'une compétition internationale de saut d'obstacles - Espèce Cheval (Equus caballus) Région d’origine Région Drapeau de France France 6
and KWPN studbooks have dominated this level of showjumping for some time, the BWP studbook's standing has improved with each competition in recent years, accounting for 6% of the horses at the 7