Florida Cracker Horse

The Florida Cracker Horse is a breed of horse from Florida in the United States. It is genetically and physically similar to many other Spanish-style horses especially those from the Spanish Colonial Horse group. The Florida Cracker is a gaited breed known for its agility and speed. Horses were first brought to Florida by the Spanish in the early 1500s where they were used extensively for herding cattle.

for Sale in Mercy - Reining prospect - Florida 34602 Ad Type: Birth Date: Last Update: Horse 1
and the Banker horse of North Carolina. It is a small horse, well adapted for use in the lowland swamps of its native South Carolina.2
& Tack Auction Company Profile ReportsMapWeb Results Florida Cracker Horse & Tack Auction = Own This Business? Edit Company Info 294 3
& Tack Auction = 294 NE Cheshire Ln, Lake City, FL 32055 386-755-7104 www.floridacrackerhorse.4
eat? What does the Florida Cracker Horse eat? = In: Care of Horses Answer: Improve The Florida Cracker horse eat alot of stuff like hay, 5
Kentucky Mountain McCurdy Plantation Missouri Fox Trotter Morab Horse Morgan Horse Mountain Pleasure Moyle Narragansett Pacer 6
Pictures & Videos = We have found some free florida cracker horse videos and pictures.7
design collection » Odessa Fla Virtual Breeders Assoc. T-Shirt Odessa Fla Virtual Breeders Assoc. T-Shi...8
Gaited Foundation Appaloosa Gaited Morgan Gaited Mules Icelandic Horse 9
Equus Caballus By Veronica Harris Picture by Sam P.10
have remained a vital part of cattle ranching in the state. They are known for having strength, endurance and “cow sense,” a strong herding instinct.11
T-Shirt TEAM FLORIDA CRACKER HORSE T-Shirt = TEAM FLORIDA CRACKER HORSE T-Shirts Clothing - TEAM FLORIDA CRACKER HORSE T-Shirt, t-shirts, shirts, and clothing to show your support of FLORIDA CRACKER HORSE. We have the coolest TEAM FLORIDA CRACKER HORSE shirts on the net.12
for Sale = Share on FacebookTwitter Share on Twitter New Search | Save Search Showing 1 to 2 of 2 ads of 1 RESCUE ME 13
Rectangular design collection » YOUNG GRAY MARE Decal YOUNG GRAY MARE Decal $5Details » 3x5 Rectangle Buy See all products from the YOUNG GRAY MARE Decal design collection » 14
is a naturally gaited horse that's descended from early Spanish horses, including the Barb, the Garrano, the Jennet and 15
= * Bookmark this member * Invite this member to be a friend judgestoryteller (Premium member) > albums > Cracker Horse Gathering at High Hor...16

Stallion that is charcoal... = Click above to begin interacting with this advertisement.17
Friesian Freisian Sporthorse Gidran Arabian Gotland Irish Draught The Knabstrupper Lipizzaners New Foundland Pony The Shire The Georgian Grande Gypsy Vanner The Nokota Horse Knabstrupper All articles written for the Rare Breeds Articles are the property of The Mane Street and the individual authors.18
Training Program and “Eye of a Horse,” an equine-assisted learning/psychotherapy program.19
making a comeback = Andrew Meacham, Times Staff Writer Andrew MeachamTampa Bay Times In Print: Friday, August 29, 2008 Beautiful eyes, delicately formed nostrils, sloping shoulders, a smooth gait.20
The Florida Cracker Horse, like the cattle breed of the same name, traces its ancestry to Spanish stock brought to Florida in the 1500's when discovered by Spain.21
for sale from some of the top Florida Cracker horse breeders.22
= Uit Wikipedia, de vrije encyclopedie Ga naar: navigatie, zoeken De Florida Cracker Horse is een klein paardenras afkomstig uit de Verenigde Staten.23
for Sale by State Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida 24
Association PO Box 186 Newberry, FL 32669 352-472-2228 bar logo NetPets® Main Page contact information 25
(Marshtackie) 4 as the official state horse; providing for future 5 legislative review and repeal; creating s. 15.0386, F.S.26
Association FCHA Florida Comprehensive Health Association FCHA Florida Cutting Horse Association FCHA Franklin County Historical Association (Mount Vernon, TX) 27
became a distinct breed from other Colonial Spanish horses because of their geographical isolation. They are known for their stamina, intelligence, strength, quickness, and easy ride.28
Gender: Stallion Colour: Steel Grey * ~ * ~ * ~ * 29
provide plenty of blue-collar horsepower = Danny Holder, owner of Holder Farms, and his horse Shorty, a Florida cracker horse, are shown in Newberry on Friday.30
* Photo Gallery * Links * Words * Guestbook * Contact Us Florida Cracker Horses "Banjo" (FC803) FCHA 2000 Gelding Owned by Colin & Kelly Furness The Florida Cracker Horse is one of ten most endangered DOMESTIC animal species on North American Continent.31
Florida Cracker Horse Association
Spanish-style gaited horse found in many colors
Alternate name
Chickasaw Pony
Seminole Pony
Prairie Pony
Florida Horse
Florida Cow Pony
Grass Gut
Image Caption
An 1895 drawing of by Frederick Remington of a Florida Cracker