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Satu Pitkänen
The Connemara pony is a pony breed originating in Ireland. They are known for their athleticism versatility and good disposition. The breed makes excellent show ponies.
Breeders' Society of Australia http://cpbsa.com.au Maintains the Stud Book, promotes, and administers all matters relating to the Connemara Pony in Australia.1
Farm & Equestrian Centre About Us Connemara Ponies For Sale Resident Connemara Pony Mares History of the Connemara Pony Picture Gallery Directions Contact Us News & Photos 2
When someone speaks of the Connemara Pony a picture of the green rolling hills of Ireland comes to mind, but in fact, the 3
- Discipline: Any Height: Any - Coloured: Any 17 results found - 10 displayed on this page back next - Featured Advertisement 1: - Sinatra - Cremello Connemara in 4
Resident Stallion The Broodmares Est 1993 The Stud is situated on the beautiful North Coast of Northern Ireland.5
Group * Home * Messages * Members Only * Post * Files * Photos * Links * Members * Promote * Groups Labs (Beta) Info Settings Group Information * Members: 332 * Category: Breeds * Founded: Sep 1, 2003 * Language: English 6
connemara pony - Some believe that the Connemara is from the Scandinavian ponies that the Vikings first brought to Ireland.7
* White horse * Connemara Pony This photo also appears in * Explore (In and out) (Set) * * 8
Breed Description: The Connemara is famous for being hardy and sure-footed, and no surprise.9
Connemara Ponies - Castlewellan Show 2010 Connemara Ponies @ 43rd Castlewellan Show 2010 Open Mountain & Moorland Ridden Class Music: Tire Pony - "I Finally Love This Town" www.nicpba.co.10
~ Shown above is Castle Baron see footnotes , Winner of Connemara Stallion Championship, Supreme Champion Connemara, and Supreme All Breeds Pony of the Show at the Australian Stud Book 11
World | No Comments » New Southeast Connemara Pony Group - January 11th, 2012 A new group has been set up in the South East of England by breeder Fergus Moloney. Fergus has sent us on the below with regards to this new group.12
is a pony breed originating in Ireland. Connemara Pony World offers connemara ponies for sale, connemara stallions and information on Connemara ponies. Enjoy the site.14
- “Ireland's Native Breed” Praize - Glenormiston Connemara lies in an area of western Ireland known for its harsh mountainous terrain, endless desolate moors and bogs and rocky barren shores pounded 15
> Connemara Pony = The connemara pony breeder will usually have a picture of its newest foal. This horse is a hybrid and its breeding program was left to natural selection.16
* about us * news * calendar * for sale * stallions * mares * breed * shows * 18
Breeders Society Enquiry - Connemara Pony Breeders Society Enquiry Title Full NameOrganisationAddress Contact NumberAlternative Contact NumberEmail How can we help? - Your Comments Form Validation - In order to submit this form successfully, you must complete this 19
& The Connemara Pony Show Festival of the Connemara Pony & The Connemara Pony Show = Clifden 05 August 2012 - 12 August 2012 The Connemara Pony is a 20
= - PONY OVERVIEW Legend has it that the Connemara Pony descended from Spanish horses, rescued from the Armada when the ships wrecked on the rocky coast of western Ireland in 1588.21
: Weird Facts/Did You Know? = Filed under Horses You must be logged in to rate articlesYou must be logged in to rate articlesYou must be logged in to rate articlesYou must be logged in to rate articlesYou must be logged in to rate 22
Breeders SocietyLink to The Association of Irish Riding EstablishmentsLink to Connemara .23
World 2011 Log In to rate this video! * Currently 0.00/5 Rating: 0.24
~ Connemara The Connemara Pony is the only native Irish breed of Equine.25
Stud Farm = Image A view of our stalls The Fernville Pony Stud farm is a family run business here in Moycullen co. Galway.26
Research into Hoof Wall Separation Syndrome (HWSS) = This was group formed to initiate research into the hoof problem now known as Hoof Wall Separation Syndrome (HWSS) 27
, A CHOICE FOR EVERYONE Nederlandse versie The Dutch Connemara Pony Breeder's Society was founded in 1967. The Society consists of approximately 150 members and donors.28
World – Show 2011 - Connemara Pony World 2011 will be taking place once again at Boswell Equestrian, Co. Wicklow on Saturday the 4th June 2011.29
= 3-D Flags Countries of Origin: Spain and Ireland Overview Legend has it that the Connemara Pony descended from Spanish horses, rescued from the Armada when the ships wrecked 30
, Here is Ashe Grey with me on board many moons ago. She was a great broodmare producing among others, the Swedish 14.2 Showjumping Champion Ard Ashe Grove.31
Association = Promoting the pure bred Connemara pony Home (Latest News) 2010 News Shows & Schedules 2011 32
SOCIETY OF IRELAND = Hospital Road, Clifden, Co.33
What more can be said about this beautiful creature,synominis with the rugged and wild lanscape of Connemara,and totaly unique to this region.34
in Finland = Banba LupinThe first Connemara pony was imported to Finland in 1966.35
Society of New Zealand was formed in 1984 based on the Connemara Pony Breeders Society in Ireland.36
Origin: Europe - Ireland Connemara Photo supplied by Connemara Pony Breeders Society of Australia - South Australia 37
THE CONNEMARA PONY Maureen Loughman Abel The Irish have contributed much to this country, and any owner will tell you the Connemara Pony is the greatest Irish contribution.38
Show attracts thousands = Updated: 12:56, Friday, 19 August 2011 Tweet Thousands of people have travelled to Clifden in Co Galway today for the 88th Connemara Pony Show, with breeders from as far away as Australia taking part.39
* Breeder: n/a * Rider: Marion Mould (née Coakes) * Owner: Marion Mould He was a member of the British team who competed in the 1968 Olympics in 40
, more Ireland items arrive in FarmVille = * Add a comment Melissa Coutoulakis' photoMelissa CoutoulakisFarmVille Examiner + Subscribe * Facebook 41
Sale = Wednesday 12th September - Entries Close Friday 10th August Location An Official Sale on behalf of the British Connemara Pony Society (BCPS) held in conjunction with the Festival of the Horse Show and Sale 42
News and UpdatesBroodmaresYoungstockShow ResultsPhoto GalleryFOR SALEContact Us Click to visit our Facebook site 43
, prevalent on the sports and show grounds. It is meant for advertising the breed, and should be shown on trade fairs, or at information events.44