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Ban'ei is a breed of horse native to Japan. It is used in horse racing and pulling heavy sleds in Banei races. It is descended from the Percheron Breton and Belgian. Banei Racetrack is one place of the Obihiro Racecourse as of 2007.
Banker Horse Barb (horse) Bashkir Curly, see Curly horse Bavarian Warmblood Belgian (horse) Belgian Warmblood (includes Belgian Half-blood) Black Forest Horse, also called Black Forest cold blood or Schwarzwälder Kaltblut Boulonnais horse Brabant, see Belgian (horse) Brandenburger Brazilian Sport Horse (Brasileiro de Hipismo) 1
Banker Barb Bashkir Curly Bavarian Warmblood Belgian Belgian Warmblood Black Forest cold blood Boulonnais Brabant Brandenburger Brazilian Sport Horse Breton Brumby Budyonny Byelorussian Harness - C-E 2
Banker Horse Barb Bashkir Curly, see Curly horse Bavarian Warmblood Belgian Belgian Warmblood (includes Belgian Half-blood) Black Forest Horse, also called Black Forest cold blood or Schwarzwälder Kaltblut Blazer horse Boulonnais horse Brabant, see Belgian Brandenburger Brazilian Sport Horse (Brasileiro de Hipismo) Breton, or Trait Breton Brumby Budyonny or 3
horse racing * Major festivals * Kita no Yatai * Food * Major city facilities * Tokachi International Relations Center * JICA Obihiro International Centre * Obihiro Zoo * Obihiro Library * Indoor ice-skating rink * Notable people from Obihiro * References * External links * Travel guide * Understand * Get in * By plane 4
horses (descendents of the Belgian, Breton and Percheron) each weigh about a ton and are twice the size of a conventional racehorse.5
" Kyogi" didier06 profile photo didier06 70 reviews ASSABU Bamba Kyogi 04/2010 1 more image The Ban'ei horse is a blend of Percheron,Belgian and Breton blood use for draft racing. Race in which the horse pulls a heavy sleigh over hills.6